Been working on birthday invite.

What do you think?


  1. omg that's so cute! & creative!

    I haven't heard back from you again... I re-sent the emails twice!

    I think we're going to have to communicate thru your blog LOL!

    My Lotofoto site is still down. They had a fire and 9 servers were damaged. Ugh!

  2. KF I have no idea why I'm not getting your emails. I'm starting to get pissed. LOL.
    And last time I tried to access your blog it went to some different website for
    I hope they get it fixed soon!

  3. Great invite! If I was a 6-7 yr old boy I would be so excited to get that!!

  4. So cool, and what a creative mom you are, Kelly! You rock!

  5. Wow! That's great! I bet all the kids that get it are going to be so excited.


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