
Showing posts from August 31, 2008

We're back to baseball!

and boy was it hot out there today. I'll be so happy when it cools down around here. Of course I've added one of Colby riding his scooter today at the ball park.

Fun at the park

Since Colby isn't doing daycare or any type of preschool right now, he and I get to go out and have some fun while Jacob is at school. Just the two of us. I never got to do that with Jacob since I was working in an office then. When Jacob started school my boss gave me the go ahead to work from home. It's been just over 2 years now and while it's not easy to do, I am very fortunate to be able to do it.

Feeling much better today.....


You ever wake up and feel so horrible

you wish you were dead? That's how I feel today. Between the hours of 7am and 12pm I couldn't keep water (or anything else) down. I would rather have broken legs than vomit. Seriously. At least now I'm sipping some ginger ale. Going back to crawl in my hole.