Fun at the pumpkin patch and corn maze

Well not so much fun in the corn maze. I actually hated it but I'm one of those people who has issues with getting lost. When I was very little I got lost in a shopping mall. Mind you it was only a minute before my mom found me but that has stood out in my mind over the years. When I've gone back to that mall in my adult life I always laugh because it's so little that no one could really get lost in it. To this day when Ralph and I go to the mall he'll hide off some where and watch me freak out when I can't find him. He thinks it's pretty damn funny. Me not so much. So I pretty much was internally freaking out when we were in the corn maze. I'm pretty sure that'll be the last one I ever do.


  1. Ok your story is cracking me up!
    I can't believe Ralph hides on you now at that mall LOL!
    Love the shots. Great deep color!

  2. He hides from you? Okay, thats' kinda funny, but also kinda mean. LOL Great pics, though. I'm sure the boys (even your big boy!) had fun.


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